
日期: 2024-04-28 中考阶段英语

阅读理解, 阅读下面语言材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共 20 小题,每小题 2分;满分 40 分)



One hot day, an ant was looking for some water. After walking around for some time, he came to a spring(温泉). To reach to the spring, he had to climb up a twig. As he was making his way up, he slipped and fell into the water.

A bird was sitting in a nearby tree. When she saw that the an t needed help, she quickly broke a leaf from the tree and dropped it into the water near the ant. The ant moved to the leaf and got on it. Soon the bird carried the ant safely to dry ground.

Just then, the an t heard some steps. As he looked around, he saw a man walking over with a net in his hand. Then the man got ready to throw out his net at the bird. Seeing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit the man's foot. Feeling the pain, the man dropped his net. The bird quickly flew away to a higher place.

As we say, "One good turn deserves another."


Do you know ChatGPT? It's an artificial intelligence(AI) tool. It can answer questions, tell stories, and do much more. But it's very"thirsty", said a new study.

ChatGPT has"homes"around the world in data centers. When it works, the computers at the data centers get very hot. Workers then have to use water to cool them down. Cold water goes into pipes near the computers. The water needs to be very clean. They can't use seawater because it can eat away at the pipes.

When you ask ChatGPT 20 to 50 questions, it"drinks"500 milliliters of water. Scientists used 700,000 liters of water to build ChatGPT. The water use is very big. People can make 370 cars with it.

ChatGPT is just one AI tool. You need data centers to do everything on the Internet. There are more than 8,000 data centers around the world. The number is still growing. We may have to "fight"with AI for water in the future.

AI uses a lot of water to "grow". The world's water may not be enough. Many people don't have enough water to drink. But AI technology helps people. Should we rethink how we use AI?Talk to your friends about it.


London is the capital of England and is one of the most famous cities in Europe. It has many fantastic sights, such as Big Ben and London Bridge. Besides, there are more than 170 museums there.

I was only in London for one gray day, so I was in a hurry. My tour started at a building known as the Cheese Grater. It's a new building and was completed in 2010. It has a height of 225 m、We took the lift right to the top. It is the fastest lift in Europe. It took just 30 seconds to go all the way up to the 45th floor.

Next, we walked just a few blocks to The Gherkin. It really does look like a cucumber of a different size! It's 180 m tall and has 41 floors. It was built in 2003.

Our next stop was Tower Bridge. It was built from 1886 to 1894 and looks old. It has a height of 54 m, and a length of 244 m. We walked on it to cross the river to get to our next destination:The Shard.

The Shard is the tallest building in the United Kingdom. It was opened in 2009. It cost 435million pounds to build. It's just under 310 m tall and has 96 floors. There is a place where you can look at the view on the 72nd floor.

St. Paul's Cathedral is on the other side of the river. It was started in 1256! It has survived several wars. It is 158 m long and 111 m tall. It is old and really beautiful. Unfortunately, the rainy weather put a sudden end to our tour.


Southern white rhinos(犀牛) mainly live in Africa. They are very large in size, about 4 mete long, 1.75 meters high, and over two tons in weight. There are two horns(角) on the nose. T front horn is over half a meter long, while the other one is smaller. Southern white rhinos are c."really white. "White" may come from the African word for " wide". It has sor.connection with their wide mouths.

Southern white rhinos live on grass, leaves, fruit and so on. They have very poor eyesight. Their skin(皮肤) is nearly 5 cm thick but is very sensitive. During the day, they try to find a cool place to avoid sunburn. Southern white rhinos lie in mud(泥浆) when they can, as it sticks to their skin and protects them from the bright African sun.

 They sell horns to those who believe horns have magic powers or can treat sickness. It puts southern white rhinos in danger.

Now many actions are taken to protect southern white rhinos. The international trade in rhino horn has been stopped in the world. Besides, many protected areas have been built, especially in South Africa. Up to 2020, more than 20 countries have made rules to protect southern white rhinos.

A. Some humans kill rhinos for their horns.

B. However, they have good hearing and an excellent sense of smell.

C. It isn't expensive at all.

D. They are gray in color.

E. Today the number of southern white rhinos has increased to over 20,000 in the wild.

完形填空(共 10小题,每小题1分;满分 10分)


The sun and the wind were having an argument. Each claimed(宣称) to be the strongest."We should have a con test to see who is stronger," said the sun.

Just then they saw a traveler walking down a dusty country road."I know1 we can do,"said the wind. "Let's see which of us can make the traveler2 off his coat." They agreed to take 3 , and the winner would be declared(宣布) the strongest.

The wind went 4 , blowing as hard as it could. The traveler buttoned his coat and turned up the collar(领子)5  his neck. Harder and harder blew the wind, trying to blow off the traveler's coat. But the harder he blew, the 6  the traveler held on to his coat. After half an hour, the wind ha d to 7 .

Now it was the sun's turn. The sun beamed down upon the traveler. Soon the traveler unbuttoned his coat and turned down his collar. Then the sun began to 8 even brighter. The man found i t9 hot to walk. He stopped and pulled off his coat. The traveler sat down on a large boulder under a shade tree so that he could cool off.

In only a few 10  the sun had won the contest.

语篇填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1分;满分 10 分)


In ancient China, people passed down plenty of classic stories from generation(一代人) to generation. Here are the stories of   (second) famous characters.

One person is Che Yin. He was from a poor family,  he loved studying. He had to work in the daytime, so he could only study in the evening. However, there was a problem. He couldn't afford a lamp. He didn't worry about that  summer. In the evening, he caught some   (firefly), put  (they) in a bag and used it as a lamp. This lamp was not very bright, but Che Yin could do some reading by lamplight in the evening.

The other person is Sun Kang. He was smart, but he was so poor that he couldn't go to school. So he studied at home. He (have) to read just at night. Like Che Yin, he couldn't buy a lamp. On (snow) nights, he went out and read in the snow. Why?Because there was the light of snow outside.

Later, people use "Nang Ying Ying Xue" to say that a strong spirit is very important no matter how hard the life is. When we are having hard time in life, don't lose heart.Never let life knock us down. Even in the (hard) situation, there is hope that encourages us (move) forward.




It is an indoor game. The players take turns to roll a bowling ball towards 10 bowling pins (木 瓶). Each player has two tries to knock down the pins. Points are scored according to the number of pins knocked down.

Mini golf

It is an outdoor game. There are 18 holes in a mini golf course. Each player has seven chances to hit the ball into each hole. The times of hitting will be recorded. That is the score. The person with the lowest score wins.

Beach volleyball

It is an outdoor game. The game is held on the sand.There are two players in each team. They stand on each side of the net. Who wins? Usually, the first team with 21 points wins the game.


It is an outdoor game. A player in one team throws the ball fast. A player in the other team tries to hit it.Hitting a"home run"(本 垒打) is the most exciting moment in a match.

书面表达(满分 20分)

假如你是李平,你制作的关于家乡变化的海报在某英文网站被公开展示并获得好评。 请你结合下面内容要点和图示信息,以"My Experience of Making a Poster"为题,写一篇发言稿向学校的英语广播站投稿,简述你的制作经历。


注意:(1)词数 80~100,开头和结尾已写好,不计入总词数;(2)可以适当增加细节,使行文连贯。(3)发言稿中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称。

Dear teachers and friends,

I'm Li Hua. I am honored to share my experience of making a poster with you. Last week,I made a poster of the great changes in my hometown.


Thank you.