


In a digital age, we almost never write things by hand. However, new brain research, led by researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, confirms handwriting has many benefits.It results in better learning and memory over using a keyboard.

The study was conducted using equipment to track and record brain wave activity. The participants included 12 young adults and 12 children. Each was asked to write by hand and type on a keyboard while wearing a hood(风帽)with over 250 electrodes(电极). The sensors(传感器)in the electrodes are very sensitive and pick up the electrical activity that takes place in the brain. Each person took turns to have a 45-minute examination.

The results showed that the brain in both young adults and children is much more active when writing by hand than when typing on a keyboard. According to Van der Meer, plenty of senses are activated by pressing a pen on paper. These sense experiences build contact between different parts of the brain, opening the brain up for learning.

Van der Meer believes that the results stress the importance of children being challenged to draw and write at an early age, especially at school. "Learning to write by hand is a bit slower process, but it's important for children to go through the tiring phase of learning to write by hand. Writing by handrequires control of your fine motor skills(精细动作)and senses. It's important to put the brain in a learning state as often as possible, " Van der Meer added.


