


It was a dark September morning. There was a(n)1at sea. A ship hit the rocks and it was broken in two by the waves, and half of it had been washed away. The other half still lay on the rock, and those of the crew(全体船员)who were still alive were in great danger. However, waves were breaking over it, and soon it would also be carried to the sea2.

On one of the islands there was a lighthouse(灯塔). Grace was the3 of the light-house keeper and she had lived4the sea from birth. In the darkness of the night, above the noise of the waves, she5 wild cries. When daylight came, she saw the poor sailors (水手).

"We must try to6 them!" she said to her father, the lighthouse keeper, "Let's go out on boat quickly!" Grace's father said that it was useless because the waves were too7. However, Grace said, "We can't just stay here and watch them die. "Her father knew that she was right. In a few minutes they were ready and set out in the heavy lighthouse boat. It was very hard to reach the men, but8 the girl and her father made it. One by one, they helped the cold, tired sailors onto the boat. And soon they were all9. Grace took good care of the men10 the storm died away and they were strong enough to go to their own homes.


